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AB-CT officially appoints JS Medical in the UK

Benny Kalender, CEO at AB-CT, and Robin Luper, CEO of JS Group, met on Monday 8 October 2018 in Erlangen, Germany, to confirm the official appointment of JS Medical as the UK representative for AB-CT and nu:view, the ground-breaking breast CT scanner.

nu:view, the world’s first breast CT scanner to use spiral CT technology, combines 3D imaging with high isotropic resolution to produce high image resolution but low radiation doses and short scan times.

Following the granting of the CE mark, the first installation of nu:view has started operating at University Hospital Zurich. Prof. Dr. Andreas Boss, senior consultant for breast imaging at the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the hospital and first user of nu:view, can attest to its merits: “The images are impressive; the image quality is excellent. Compared to mammography, the three-dimensional, non-superimposed images make it far easier to detect micro-calcifications. This non-compressive method also means less discomfort for the patient and reduces the number of additional ultrasound images into the bargain.”

Find out more

Please contact Robin Luper on 01234-888955 to find out the benefits of introducing a nu:view Advanced Breast-CT scanner into your breast imaging service.


Further information

nu:view AB-CT :

JS Group LinkedIn :

JS Medical :